Monday, January 2, 2012

We were featured on WTVM News! out the above news story that quotes me (Jenn Spencer) and the information on this blog! Thanks to WTVM for sharing this information about how to toilet train a cat. I hope that more people will learn how to properly do this with their felines.Hope...
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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cat Food and Cat Treats Recipes

I happened to stumble upon some cat treats/food recipes today and wanted to share the website so you could make some yummies for your cat too! I'll have to make a run to the grocery store first since I do not keep most of the items on hand, but they are all ingredients I can easily find at a local supermarket...
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Secret World of Cats

The Secret World of Cats Revealed in this interesting Yahoo! article. What would your cat be caught doing on camera while you aren't ho...
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

How to Introduce Cats to One Another: Some Tips To Make It Easier

I just have one cat but we love him so much, we'd like to open our home up to another cat as well.  I wasn't sure if it would be a good idea so I did a bit of research to get some tips on how to introduce cats.  Thought I would share this with you too in case you are considering a second cat in your...
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cat Clicker Training

Clicker training has long been used to train dogs, but did you know that you can clicker train cats too?Clicker training is a reinforcement or reward for a cat when training them. Clickers are use most often for support when training a cat for a reward. Cats associate the clicker with a good behavior they will...
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Top Toys That Your Cat Will Have A Ball With

Cats need to play, no mater how young or how old they are and they need to have some toys in order to stay entertained. Cats love all kinds of different toys and just like people each cat with have his or her own special preferences for what they like best. Some of the best cat toys are affordable, some are even...
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cat Toilet Training Press Release!

Ever wanted to teach your cat to use the toilet? It's possible! Here is a recent press release about cat toilet training that I wrote:
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